Invisible Electricity

Written by Karl Olsen

Invisible Electricity green

The movement of electricity passes unseen through switchboards, circuit breakers & cables, providing an invisible energy source to connected appliances. A clue that electricity indeed exists, becomes apparent, when the appliance it powers ‘shows off’ its hard work in the form of light, motion & heat etc.

The amount of electricity consumed by an appliance is usually unknown & difficult to determine unless we delve into the appliance technical manuals or use the tools of the trade to measure it.

“A quick way to gauge electricity consumption of an appliance is to observe the magnitude and intensity of the energy, heat & light emitted from it.”

Payback Period for energy saving initiatives

With the inevitable increases in electricity charges to come, through CPI, the world’s attitude to carbon pollution – payback periods for energy saving initiatives become straight forward business cases that can proceed without question.

Green Wire Consulting is based in Melbourne & provides unbiased advice to business and home owners within Melbourne & rural Victoria, Australia.

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