The Greenhouse Gas Balloon Tool
Written by Karl Olsen
The Greenhouse Gas Balloon® sticker tool is now available for your business.
“Within a business, staff are more likely to turn off an appliance if they can relate to its environmental impact, than doing so, to save money for their boss…”
The idea: A special sticker is placed on an appliance showing the number of Greenhouse Gas BalloonsⓇ emitted during various stages of an appliance’s operation. Designed to be part of a ‘business energy efficiency strategy’ for employee visibility:-
- Notifying them of the facts concerning appliances operating around them,
- Reminding them that they are making environmental choices every day in their workplace,
- Encouraging them to ‘completely switch off’ appliances no longer in use.
Green Wire Consulting will visit your business & measure the exact amount of greenhouse gases emitted from each electrical appliance. Stickers are customised to suit each appliance type.
Greenhouse Gas Balloon – Application Example
For a computer and associated display monitor – the number of Greenhouse Gas Balloons™ released for Melbourne over a whole day would be;
- ‘During normal use’ = 59 Greenhouse Gas BalloonsⓇ or (100 Watts)
- ‘Sleep mode’ = 32 Greenhouse Gas BalloonsⓇ or (55 Watts)
- ‘Shutdown, but not off at the powerpoint’ = 4 Greenhouse Gas BalloonsⓇ or (7 Watts)
- ‘Shutdown and switched off at the powerpoint’ = 0 Greenhouse Gas BalloonsⓇ or (0 Watts)
Standby Energy Waste
For a small business with say 15 computers, 21,900 Greenhouse Gas Balloons® are being released over a year simply by not switching them off at the power point when shutdown.