Greenwire Star™ Ratings & Awards

Greenwire Star trade-mark-GNS-200

The Greenwire Star™ is a logo or star rating awarded by Greenwire Consulting for a lighting product or room lighting design.

Greenwire Star™ logo, words & star ratings must not be used or quoted without express permission from Greenwire Consulting. They are protected by trademark.

Greenwire Star™ exists as the following types:

  • STAR RATINGS  – expressed in the consumer friendly 5 Star rating format
  • AWARDS – allocated for best or outstanding performance in a particular category

The Greenwire Star™ is a trusted & unbiased brand, applicable to Luminaires and Room Lighting Designs. The Greenwire Star™ is allocated strictly on technical merit and performance. Ratings are provided in the form of stars and awards and are provided for outstanding achievements in a category.


Example Greenwire Star™ achievements are:-

1. Greenwire Star™  – Room Lighting Design Efficiency

greenwire-room-lighting-design-energy-efficiency-rating-3stars as an example denotes 3 Stars out of 5

The ‘Greenwire Star – Room Lighting Design Efficiency’ describes the comparative energy efficiency performance of each room lighting design solution. It’s expressed in the form of a 5 Star rating system, where 5 Stars denotes the best performance. The more stars awarded the better the luminaires are at throwing light around the room to achieve target lighting levels for the least amount of power consumption.

The LightSeeker website compares ‘Greenwire Star – Room Lighting Design Efficiency’ ratings as part of their Room Lighting Design Calculators.


2. Greenwire Star™  – AWARDS

Awards are distributed to outstanding performance of luminaires

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Example awards are:

  • Greenwire Star™ Award – 2015 Open Plan Office Award LED ULB Tbar 1200×300 2.7m
  • Greenwire Star™ Award – Top 10 LED Downlights 2015
  • Greenwire Star™ Award – Most Efficient Downlight 2015
  • Greenwire Star™ Award – Most Efficient T-bar troffer – open plan office 2015

Awards to Winners are publicised via social media directly to Australian Lighting Designers, Electrical Engineers, Architects – via Linkedin & Facebook. Even the LuxReview magazine gets involved to further spread the message.

To nominate a luminaire for the 2016 Greenwire Star award refer to THIS PAGE

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