Greenwire Consulting map

Green Wire Consulting
ABN 75 561 465 086

› High Bill Investigators
› Smart Meter Checking
› Efficient Lighting Design
› Energy Audits

Office Address:
Appointments only:-
Suite 2, 111 Islington St,
Collingwood Vic 3066
Melbourne, Australia

Postal Address:
PO Box 4039 Eaglemont,
Victoria 3084
Melbourne, Australia

We are based in Melbourne & provide unbiased energy efficiency advice within Melbourne & rural Victoria, Australia.

If you appoint us – we will visit your property to correctly diagnose & solve your problem once and for all – GUARANTEED!

We are thorough & methodical and have never failed to resolve a problem.

All online inquiries can be made by filling out the form below.

Your detailed message below will provide us with the required information to process your inquiry. (All details will be kept strictly confidential. We will NEVER provide details to any other third party. We promise to honour your privacy)

However – If you prefer not to fill out the form – you can send us an email instead., but you must answer all questions detailed in the form below.

    CONTACT US - Enquiry Form
    1. Name

    2. Does this concern your?

    3. Title/ Position

    4. Phone Number (to make direct contact to discuss your enquiry in detail)

    5. Email Address

    6. Property Town/Suburb

    7. Property STATE

    8. How can we help you? Your message (the more detail the better)

    9. (1) Is this for a Tenanted Property?

    10. (2) Cost$ of your Electricity Bill per quarter?

    11. (3) For Householder enquiries only -Indicate your property details(tick if applicable): Not ApplicableSmall Sized HomeMedium Sized HomeLarge Sized HomeApartment or Townhouse2 or more storeysLarge Land SizeGranny FlatGarage/Workshop separated from house

    12. (4) For Householder enquiries only -Indicate your electrical connected equipment(tick if applicable): Not ApplicablePoolSolar ElectricityElectric FencingElectric Hot WaterSolar Hot WaterGas Hot WaterOutdoor Heated SpaGas HeatingPortable Electric Heater(s)Ducted AirconditioningSplit Air Conditioning

    13. (5) What are you interested in?to book up a site inspectionQuotationEnergy AuditSmart Meter Accuracy CheckHigh Electricity Bill Investigation30%-off Business Electricity Bill OfferPower MeasurementLighting AuditLighting DesignSolar Power AssessmentSolar Battery Storage reviewSolar Viability using your Smart Meter dataCarbon Neutral home pathwayHome too hot too coldAirconditioning energy efficiency checkHot water system adviceElectrical safety checkElectric vehicle future-proofingOther

    * denotes required information

    The above details will be kept strictly confidential & will NEVER be provided to any other third party. We promise to honour your privacy.

    If you do not prefer to fill out this form - you can send us an email instead.

    Office: messages only
    (03) 9046 8541


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