Energy Efficient Lighting Design & Lighting Audits Advice

Our lighting audit advice is unbiased and is provided by qualified electrical engineers with 27+ years experience who are members of the Illuminating Engineering Society of Australia & New Zealand. For buildings 5 years or older, a professional lighting audit will enable your business to recognise the potential to save energy using the latest energy efficient lighting solutions.

We have independently researched the current market-place and have found the most energy efficient lighting solutions (best value for money) available. We will review & explore the use of these solutions for your business premises during our lighting audit.

We offer the following 3 Lighting Audit Packages for businesses located within the Melbourne metropolitan area:-

  • Package 1 – The EXPRESS Lighting Audit
  • Package 2 – The STANDARD Lighting Audit
Lighting audit design

Lighting Audit Design

For each lighting audit package our electrical engineer will visit your business premises to:-

  • measure lighting levels to Australian Standards,
  • review the condition & arrangement of your existing lighting,
  • openly discuss the pros & cons of a variety of new energy efficient lighting design options suited to your site,
  • provide a fully transparent & unbiased review of your existing lighting system.

The ultimate aim is to find a new lighting design that saves energy and creates a better visual environment.

Note: We do not sell lighting products, so there is no conflict of interest. This means that we are able to offer businesses, honest lighting audit advice, communicating the facts, both good & bad. Your best interests are our absolute priority.

Contact us for a free lighting audit quotation in the Melbourne metro area or send us an email outlining your individual business situation.


Lighting Search Engine

Green Wire Consulting provide lighting design expertise exclusively to LightSeeker™ who are a specialist online lighting directory. LightSeeker™ is an independent online tool for Australian lighting industry professionals – to search for lighting suppliers and to find/compare lights quickly.

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