8 Reasons Why To Choose Greenwire for Energy Efficiency Advice

Unbiased & Independent Advice

facts puzzleWe provide our clients the Real Story, the good news & the bad. Our advice is truly independent & not swayed by any one supplier. We do not sell any energy efficiency products and therefore do not favour any one supplier. Energy efficiency products are carefully assessed on their technical and performance merits only.

Honest and Trustworthy

Business handshakeDuring our energy audits – We take the time to understand the way energy is used, through detailed discussions with yourself, key company stakeholders & building occupants. We take particular note of daily patterns & building operations that may affect our assessment of energy efficiency

Switchboards inspected by Electricians


For occupational health and safety reasons our staff are fully licensed A-Grade Electrical Contractors licence, to open switchboards and access live wiring. The ability to access switchboards during an energy audit is the key detail required to fully understand exactly how electricity is used on site

20+ yrs Building services experience

Quality advice results from experienced engineers who know how each building component operates. Our engineers have the ‘hands-on’ practical experience with the design & application of building services for a large variety of building types.

Patience and Understanding

Chess3_100wDuring our energy audits – We take the time to understand the way energy is used, through detailed discussions with yourself, key company stakeholders & building occupants. We take particular note of daily patterns & building operations that may affect our assessment of energy efficiency.

Expert Advice from Qualified Engineers

graduation cap diploma isolated on a white background

Bachelor degree-qualified engineers are used for all energy audit inspections. They are university educated with a deep understanding of electricity theory. These qualifications are the basis of providing a premium assessments for your energy audit.

Registered Building Practitioners

RBPrac_100w The Victorian Building Authority (VBA) is the regulator of Victoria’s building and plumbing industries. They manage the registration of Building Practitioners. Our key staff are Registered Building Practitioners so you can trust that we are accountable for our actions & recommendations.

In touch with the latest technology

We regularly stay in touch with the rapid advancement in technology in the energy efficiency space. We regularly receive samples of new energy efficient lightfittings to test & review. We subscribe to various magazines to keep up-to-date with the changing landscape. We are also members of a variety of organisations.

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