Energy Audit Grants for Business

Energy Audit Grant funding is now available from ‘Sustainability Victoria’ and will cover 50% of the cost of conducting a business energy audit.

A business energy audit conducted by Green Wire Consulting will identify energy efficiency opportunities for your business, review pricing tariffs, and review suitable renewable energy options. Two levels of energy audit grants are available to Victorian businesses:

  • up to $2,000 grant for a ‘basic energy assessment
  • up to $15,000 grant for a ‘detailed energy assessment’.

Also ….All grant recipients are offered a further incentive to reduce their energy consumption, an ‘implementation bonus’, of up to $3,000 to put in place the energy efficiency improvements identified by an energy auditor. Some criteria do apply on how the implementation bonus can be spent and this is detailed in the program FAQs.

For the latest information on any available Energy Audit Grants click here to find out directly from the Sustainability Victoria website.

If you want to save time, we can look after to whole energy audit grant process and lodge your application to Sustainability Victoria for you.


If Green Wire Consulting conducted a basic energy assessment (Type 1 Energy Audit) at a total cost of $3,800, then through the energy audit grant process – ‘Sustainability Victoria’ will fund half the cost i.e $1,900. The resulting energy audit report produced by Green Wire Consulting, would recommend a list of energy saving projects for the business to implement. We welcome the opportunity to provide a quotation to conduct an energy audit complying with Sustainability Victoria’s grant requirements.

In addition as part of the grant, ‘Sustainability Victoria’ will also contribute $3,000 to selected energy saving projects as identified in the Type 1 energy audit report.

To be eligible for an energy audit grant through Sustainability Victoria, your Victorian business needs to spend $20K or more on energy.

Hurry! – Grants close September 2018

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