Most Energy Efficient CASSETTE Air Conditioners

Below we have compared the most energy efficient cassette air conditioners available in the Australian market as at Feb 2018. From the large stock of air conditioners available, we have chosen to only list the top performing models to assist with you next energy efficient cassette air conditioner purchase. Whilst we are biased towards energy efficiency, there are other factors to consider in choosing the best-fit air conditioner, namely reliability, functionality, size, noise, aesthetics, budget, etc

We have also compiled a list and compared the most energy efficient SPLIT type and MULTI type air conditioner systems for your information.

The table 1 below is best viewed using a large computer screen.

Table Notes:

  • All Air conditioners listed below are ‘non-ducted’, ‘ceiling recessed’ & ‘single-split’ type.
  • Heat COP‘ = the Coefficient of Performance in heating mode (the higher the number the more energy efficient)
  • Cool EER‘ = the Energy Efficiency Ratio in cooling mode (the higher the number the more energy efficient)
  • Heat Stars‘ = no: of ‘Energy Rating Stars’ issued by the Australian GEMS Regulator for Heating mode Energy Efficiency.
  • Cool Stars‘ = no: of ‘Energy Rating Stars’ issued by the Australian GEMS Regulator for Cooling mode Energy Efficiency.
  • Heat Out‘ = Heating mode Output capacity in kilowatts(kW)
  • Cool Out‘ = Cooling mode Output capacity in kilowatts(kW)
  • Heat Input‘ = electricity input in kilowatts(kW) required for Heating mode operation
  • Cool input‘ = electricity input in kilowatts(kW) required for Cooling mode operation
  • Air Conditioner models & types have been sourced from the Australian government online database listing registered products under the Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards Act 2012. Models have been selected & ranked based upon their performance for listed efficiency variables: – ‘EERtestAvg’ and ‘COPtestAvg’
  • Green Wire Consulting provide unbiased advice & receive no commissions from any product suppliers. The air conditioners are listed because of their superior technical energy efficiency performance.
  • Prices shown are estimated purchase costs only, further research is required to obtain current costs. Installation costs are additional.
  • Confused about the table? As part of our consulting services, we can explain how to select the most energy efficient split air conditioner that will suit your application – as part of our home energy audit or business energy audit. If required we are also able to test and measure the energy efficiency performance of your existing split air conditioner.

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Table 1 – Most Energy Efficient Cassette Air Conditioners

IDSystem SizeSupplier BrandModel Details Part no:WarrantyWinnerCool StarsCool OutCool InputCool EERHeat StarsHeat OutHeat InputHeat COPRetail $Online InformationSupplier Options
1SmallFFA25A2/RXS25L35 Years5.5 Stars
2.5kW0.56kW4.53 Stars
3.2kW0.8kW4?Nonexistent ??
2SmallFFQ25C2/RXS25K3/RXS25L25 Years5.5 Stars
2.5kW0.56kW4.53 Stars
3.2kW0.8kW4 $1,832 Webpage | BrochureLawson Air | Lawson Air | AirCon Online
3SmallCS-E9SB4RW/CU-E9SB4R5 Years4 Stars
2.5kW0.55kW4.53 Stars
3.2kW0.78kW4.1?Webpage | ?Where to Buy
4SmallAUTG09LVLB-AOTG09LBCB5 Years3.5 Stars
2.6kW0.6kW4.33.5 Stars
3.5kW0.83kW4.2?Webpage | ??
5MediumS-60PU2E5A/U-60PE1R5A5 Years 3 Stars
6kW1.46kW4.13.5 Stars
7kW1.64kW4.3?Nonexistent ?Where to Buy
6MediumS-71PU2E5A/U-71PE1R5A5 Years3 Stars
7.1kW1.8kW3.93.5 Stars
8kW1.86kW4.3?Nonexistent ?Where to Buy
7MediumS-60PU1R5A/U-60PE1R5A5 Years3 Stars
6kW1.48kW4.13 Stars
7kW1.81kW3.9?Webpage | ?Where to Buy
8MediumAC071KN4PEH/AC071KXAPEH5 Years3 Stars
7.1kW1.87kW3.83 Stars
8kW2.05kW3.9?Webpage | Manual?
9MediumFDT60VF/SRC60ZMXA-S5 Years3 Stars
5.6kW1.52kW3.73 Stars
6.7kW1.7kW3.9?? | Brochure?
10MediumFDT60VD/SRC60ZJX-S5 Years3 Stars
5.6kW1.52kW3.73 Stars
6.7kW1.7kW3.9?Nonexistent ??
11MediumFDT60VF/SRC60ZJX-S5 Years3 Stars
5.6kW1.52kW3.73 Stars
6.7kW1.7kW3.9?? | Brochure?
12MediumFDT60ZJXVD/VF5 Years3 Stars
5.6kW1.52kW3.73 Stars
6.7kW1.7kW3.9?? | Brochure?
13LargeUTN36WH2/UU36WH25 Years4.5 Stars
9.5kW2.16kW4.44 Stars
10.8kW2.5kW4.3 $3,191 Webpage | BrochureAirCon Online
14LargeS-100PU2E5A/U-100PE1R5A5 Years3.5 Stars
10kW2.34kW4.34.5 Stars
11.2kW2.24kW5?Nonexistent ??
15LargeS-100PU1R5A/U-100PE1R5A5 Years3 Stars
10kW2.38kW4.24 Stars
11.2kW2.6kW4.3?Webpage | ?Where to Buy
16LargeAC100KN4PEH/AC100KXAPEH5 Years3 Stars
10kW2.63kW3.83.5 Stars
11.2kW2.76kW4.1?Webpage | Brochure?
17LargeAUTG36KRLA/AOTG36KBTA5 Years2.5 Stars
10kW2.76kW3.64 Stars
11.2kW2.84kW3.9 $4,449 Webpage | ManualLawson Air | AirCon Online

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