Most Energy Efficient MULTI SPLIT Air Conditioners

The table below compares the most energy efficient Multi Split air conditioners(fixed head type) available in the Australian market as at March 2018. From the large amount of air conditioners available, we have chosen to only list the top performing models to assist with your next energy efficient multi split air conditioner purchase. Whilst we are biased towards energy efficiency, please be aware that other factors are important to consider in choosing the best-fit air conditioner:- namely reliability, functionality, size, noise, aesthetics, budget, etc.

A ‘Multi Split’ air conditioning system consists of multiple single split air conditioning indoor units connected together served from a common single outdoor condensing unit. The table below shows energy efficient of outdoor units only. Other types of air conditioners are defined here.

We have also compiled lists of single splits systems:- most energy efficient CASSETTE TYPE air conditioners and the most energy efficient WALL hung split air conditioners.

The table 1 below is best viewed using a wide computer screen – to view all columns clearly.

Table 1 Notes:-

  • All Air conditioners listed are outdoor units suitable for use with various multiple combinations of indoor units – such as wall hung type, cassette type, floor mounted or ducted type.
  • Heat COP‘ = the Coefficient of Performance in heating mode (the higher the number the more energy efficient)
  • Cool EER‘ = the Energy Efficiency Ratio in cooling mode (the higher the number the more energy efficient)
  • ‘Heat Rank‘ = shows the ranking for HEATING mode Energy Efficiency, compared to air conditioners within the same category
  • Cool Rank‘ = shows the ranking for COOLING mode Energy Efficiency, compared to air conditioners within the same category
  • Heat Out‘ = Heating mode Output capacity in kilowatts(kW)
  • Cool Out‘ = Cooling mode Output capacity in kilowatts(kW)
  • Heat Input‘ = electricity input in kilowatts(kW) required for Heating mode operation
  • Cool input‘ = electricity input in kilowatts(kW) required for Cooling mode operation
  • Air Conditioner models & types have been sourced from the Australian government online database listing registered products under the Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards Act 2012. Models have been selected & ranked based upon their performance for listed efficiency variables: – ‘EERtestAvg’ and ‘COPtestAvg’
  • Green Wire Consulting provide unbiased advice & receive no commissions from any product suppliers. The air conditioners are listed because of their superior technical energy efficiency performance.
  • Prices shown are estimated purchase costs for the outdoor unit only. Additional costs apply to include required indoor units & system installation.
  • Confused about the table?

    As part of our consulting services, we can explain how to select the most energy efficient multi air conditioner that will suit your premises application – as part of our home or business energy audit. If required we are also able to test and measure the energy efficiency performance of your existing multi air conditioners – to determine if its worth upgrading.

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Table 1 – Most Energy Efficient Multi Split Air Conditioners

IDSystem SizeSupplier BrandOutdoor Unit Model Details Part no:Indoor UnitsWarr -antyWinnerCool RankingCool OutCool InputCool EERHeat RankingHeat OutHeat InputHeat COPRetail $Online InformationSupplier Options
1SmallSCM40Z series SCM40ZM-S, SCM40ZJ-Smax 25 Years 1ST PLACE - Small4kW0.84kW4.81ST PLACE - Small4.5kW0.9kW5 $1,359 Webpage | BrochureElec Discounter
2SmallSCM50Z series SCM50ZJ-S1, SCM50ZM-Smax 35 Years2nd PLACE - Small5kW1.08kW4.65th PLACE - Small6kW1.31kW4.6 $1,659 Webpage | BrochureElec Discounter
3Small3MXM52RVMA??3rd PLACE - Small5.2kW1.15kW4.52nd PLACE - Small6.8kW1.4kW4.9$-Nonexistent ?
4SmallNHXM20S2A1/UHXM55MA0max 3?4th PLACE - Small5.3kW1.2kW4.43rd PLACE - Small6.3kW1.31kW4.8$-Webpage | Brochure
5SmallCU-3E18SBRmax 35 Years5th PLACE - Small5.2kW1.2kW4.36th PLACE - Small6.8kW1.5kW4.5$-Webpage | Brochure
6SmallSCM60Z series SCM60ZJ-S1, SCM60ZM-Smax 35 Years6th PLACE - Small6kW1.43kW4.26th PLACE - Small6.8kW1.51kW4.5 $1,859 Webpage | BrochureElec Discounter
7SmallNHXM20S2A1/UHXM55MA1max 3?7th PLACE - Small5.27kW1.29kW4.17th PLACE - Small6.33kW1.6kW4$-Webpage | Brochure
8SmallRAS-2M18S3AV-A / (RAS-B16N3KV2-E1 + RAS-B13N3KV2-E1)max 2?8th PLACE - Small5.2kW1.34kW3.94th PLACE - Small5.6kW1.19kW4.7$-Webpage | Brochure
9SmallMXZ-2D52VAmax 25 Years9th PLACE - Small5.2kW1.4kW3.78th PLACE - Small6.1kW1.59kW3.8$-Webpage | Brochure
10MediumNHXM20S2A1/UHXM70MA1max 4?1ST PLACE - Medium7.03kW1.67kW4.22nd PLACE - Medium8.44kW1.9kW4.4$-Webpage | Brochure
11MediumSCM70Z series SCM71ZJ-S1, SCM71ZM-Smax 45 Years2nd PLACE - Medium7.1kW1.74kW4.13rd PLACE - Medium8.6kW2kW4.3 $2,097 Webpage | BrochureElec Discounter
12Medium4MXM68RVMA??2nd PLACE - Medium6.8kW1.67kW4.12nd PLACE - Medium8.6kW1.95kW4.4$-Nonexistent ?
13Medium4MXM80RVMA??2nd PLACE - Medium8kW2.05kW3.94th PLACE - Medium9.6kW2.28kW4.2$-Nonexistent ?
14MediumNHXM20S2A1/UHXM90MA1max 5?3rd PLACE - Medium8.79kW2.2kW41ST PLACE - Medium10.1kW2.2kW4.6$-Webpage | Brochure
15MediumMXZ-4E80VAD/MSZ-GE25VADmax 45 Years4th PLACE - Medium8kW2.07kW3.91ST PLACE - Medium8.8kW1.91kW4.6 $2,590 Webpage | BrochureAircon Online
16MediumMXZ-4D80VAmax 45 Years4th PLACE - Medium8kW2.07kW3.95th PLACE - Medium8.8kW2.13kW4.1$-Webpage | Brochure
17MediumMXZ-4D71VAmax 45 Years5th PLACE - Medium7.1kW1.88kW3.83rd PLACE - Medium8kW1.84kW4.3$-Webpage | Brochure
18MediumMXZ-4E71VAD/MSZ-GE25VADmax 45 Years5th PLACE - Medium7.1kW1.88kW3.83rd PLACE - Medium8kW1.84kW4.3$-Webpage | Brochure
19MediumSCM80Z seires SCM80ZJ-S1, SCM80ZM-Smax 45 Years6th PLACE - Medium8kW2.16kW3.75th PLACE - Medium9.3kW2.26kW4.1 $2,350 Webpage | BrochureElec Discounter
20LargeNHXM20S2A1/NHXM30S2A1/UHXM140BA1max 8? 1ST PLACE - Large14kW3.17kW4.41ST PLACE - Large16kW3.66kW4.4$-? | Brochure
21LargeNHXM30S2A1/UHXM110MA1max 5?2nd PLACE - Large11.2kW2.73kW4.11ST PLACE - Large12.5kW2.81kW4.4$-Webpage | Brochure
22LargeNHXM30S2A1/UHXM120BA1max 7?2nd PLACE - Large11.2kW2.73kW4.11ST PLACE - Large12.5kW2.81kW4.4$-Webpage | Brochure
23LargeAOTG36LBLA5 / ASTG07LVCC / ASTG09LVCCmax 5?2nd PLACE - Large10kW2.44kW4.12nd PLACE - Large12kW2.79kW4.3$-Webpage | Brochure
24LargeNHXM30S2A1/UHXM160BA1max 9?3rd PLACE - Large15.5kW3.86kW43rd PLACE - Large17.4kW4.16kW4.2 $4,757 Webpage | BrochureLawson Air
25LargeMXZ-8C140VAMD-Amax 85 Years4th PLACE - Large14kW3.61kW3.94th PLACE - Large16kW3.89kW4.1$-Webpage | Brochure

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