
Most Energy Efficient SPLIT Air Conditioners

Tables 1,2,3 below compare the most energy efficient split air conditioners available in the Australian market as at Feb 2019. Out of the large stock of air conditioners available, we have only chosen to list the top performing models to assist with your next energy efficient split air conditioner purchase. Whilst we are biased towards energy efficiency, there are other factors to consider in choosing the best-fit air conditioner, namely reliability, functionality, size, noise, aesthetics, operating features, budget, etc

If wall space is a not available to mount your energy efficient split air conditioner, we have also compiled a list of the most energy efficient CASSETTE TYPE air conditioners for your information(Cassette type air conditioners are recessed into the ceiling). In addition – we list compare the energy efficiency of MULTI type air conditioner systems.

SCROLL DOWN – The tables below are quite wide and best viewed using a large computer screen.

Table Notes:

  • All Air conditioners listed below are ‘non-ducted’, ‘wall hung’ & ‘single-split’ type.
  • Heat COP‘ = the Coefficient of Performance in heating mode (the higher the number the more energy efficient)
  • Cool EER‘ = the Energy Efficiency Ratio in cooling mode (the higher the number the more energy efficient)
  • Heat Stars‘ = no: of ‘Energy Rating Stars’ issued by the Australian GEMS Regulator for Heating mode Energy Efficiency.
  • Cool Stars‘ = no: of ‘Energy Rating Stars’ issued by the Australian GEMS Regulator for Cooling mode Energy Efficiency.
  • Heat Out‘ = Heating mode Output capacity in kilowatts(kW)
  • Cool Out‘ = Cooling mode Output capacity in kilowatts(kW)
  • Heat Input‘ = electricity input in kilowatts(kW) required for Heating mode operation
  • Cool input‘ = electricity input in kilowatts(kW) required for Cooling mode operation
  • Air Conditioner models & types have been sourced from the Australian government online database listing registered products under the Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards Act 2012. Split air Conditioner models have been selected & ranked based upon their performance for listed efficiency variables: – ‘EERtestAvg’ and ‘COPtestAvg’
  • Green Wire Consulting provide unbiased advice & receive no commissions from any product suppliers. Only air conditioners with superior technical energy efficiency performance are listed on this page.
  • Prices shown are estimated purchase costs only, further research is required to obtain current costs. Installation costs are additional.
  • Confused about the table? As part of our consulting services, we can explain how to select the most energy efficient split air conditioner that will suit your application – as part of our home energy audit or business energy audit. If required we are also able to test and measure the energy efficiency performance of your existing split air conditioner.

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The tables below are best viewed using a large computer screen. (AC units are generally listed in order of performance, from highest to lowest, however all are very good to make it onto this webpage)

Table 1 – Most Energy Efficient SPLIT Air Conditioners – SMALL Systems ( 2-2.5kW range)

IDSystem SizeSupplier BrandModel Details Part no:GasWarrantyWinnerCool StarsCool OutCool InputCool EERHeat StarsHeat OutHeat InputHeat COPRetail $Online InformationSupplier Options
1Very SmallSRK20ZSXA-WR325 Years 7 Stars
2kW0.31kW6.57 Stars
2Very SmallASTG07CMCB (Cooling only)R325 Years5.5 Stars
3SmallUS7 FTXZ25N / RXZ25NR325 Years 7 Stars
2.5kW0.42kW67 Stars
3.5kW0.58kW6$2225 ?Webpage | BrochureLawson Air | Energy Hot House | Aussie Aircon
4SmallSRK25ZSXA-WR325 Years6 Stars
2.5kW0.44kW5.76 Stars
3.2kW0.59kW5.4$975WebpageAir Cond Online | Choice | Elec Discounter
5SmallWH09SKN-18 / WH09SKU-18R325 Years6 Stars
2.5kW0.51kW4.96 Stars
3.2kW0.65kW4.9 $1,380 Webpage
6SmallMSZ-LN25VG*/MUZ-LN25VGR325 Years5.5 Stars
2.5kW0.49kW5.16 Stars
7SmallAS26FBBHRA / 1U26JACFRAR325 Years6 Stars
2.65kW0.5kW5.35.5 Stars
8SmallKSHV25D1S / KCHV25D1SR325 Years6 Stars
2.5kW0.46kW5.45 Stars
3.2kW0.67kW4.8$795Webpage | BrochureJims Heat Cool
9SmallGWH09ABA-K6DN***R326 Years6 Stars
2.5kW0.463kW5.45 Stars
3.2kW0.667kW4.8?Webpage | BrochureWhere to Buy
10SmallTAC-09CHSD*R32Not stated5.5 Stars
2.5kW0.5kW55.5 Stars
2.6kW0.51kW5.1?WebpageChoive Online
11SmallRAS-10G2KVP-A + RAS-10G2AVP-AR325 Years5.5 Stars
2.5kW0.49kW5.15.5 Stars
3.2kW0.58kW5.5?Nonexistent ?
12SmallRAS-S25YHA/RAC-S25YHAR325 Years5.5 Stars
2.5kW0.49kW5.15.5 Stars
13SmallCS-Z9RKR/CU-Z9RKRR325 Years5 Stars
2.5kW0.5kW55.5 Stars
14SmallCS-RZ9RKR/CU-RZ9RKRR325 Years5 Stars
2.5kW0.5kW55.5 Stars
15SmallAero Econavi CS-Z25TKR / CU-Z25TKRR325 Years5 Stars
2.5kW0.5kW55.5 Stars
3.2kW0.62kW5.2$845Webpage | Brochure2nds World | The Good Guys | Harvey Norman
16SmallCS-Z25VKR / CU-Z25VKRR325 Years5 Stars
2.5kW0.5kW55.5 Stars
17SmallFTXM25UVMA / RXM25UVMAR325 Years5.5 Stars
2.5kW0.49kW5.15 Stars
3.2kW0.64kW5?Nonexistent ?
18SmallFTXJ25T**** / RXJ25T***R325 Years5.5 Stars
2.5kW0.49kW5.15 Stars
3.2kW0.64kW5?Nonexistent ?
19SmallMSZ-GL25VGD/MUZ-GL25VGDR325 Years5.5 Stars
2.5kW0.49kW5.15 Stars
20SmallT09AWN-NM17 / T09AWN-UM17R410A5 Years5 Stars
2.5kW0.51kW4.95.5 Stars
3.2kW0.65kW4.9$828WebpageThe Good Guys
21SmallMSZ-AP25VG**/MUZ-AP25VGDR325 Years5.5 Stars
2.5kW0.5kW55 Stars
22SmallAS26DCBHRA / 1U26JABFRAR325 Years5.5 Stars
2.6kW0.51kW5.15 Stars
3.2kW0.67kW4.8?Nonexistent ?

Table 2 – Most Energy Efficient SPLIT Air Conditioners – MEDIUM Systems ( 3.2-5kW range)

IDSystem SizeSupplier BrandModel Details Part no:WarrantyWinnerCool StarsCool OutCool InputCool EERHeat StarsHeat OutHeat InputHeat COPRetail $Online InformationSupplier Options
1Small-MedFTXZ35N_Ururu_Sarara75 Years 5.5 Stars
3.5kW0.68kW5.15.5 Stars
5kW0.99kW5.1 $2,448 Nonexistent ? | BrochureLawson Air | Air Cond Online
2Small-MedGWH12ABA-K6DNA6 Years5 Stars
3.5kW0.72kW4.95 Stars
3.8kW0.78kW4.9$950Webpage | BrochureWhere to Buy | WWL
3Small-MedKSHV35D1S/KCHV35D1S_Ultimate5 Years5 Stars
3.5kW0.72kW4.95 Stars
3.8kW0.78kW4.9$699Nonexistent ?
4Small-MedWH12SKN-18/WH12SKU-185 Years4 Stars
3.5kW0.86kW4.15 Stars
4kW0.87kW4.6 $1,547 Webpage | BrochureChoice Review
5Small-MedCS-RZ12RKR/CU-RZ12RKR5 Years4 Stars
3.5kW0.8kW4.45 Stars
3.7kW0.76kW4.9$920Webpage | ?Air Fridge Aus | SNB Aircon
6Small-MedAero Econavi CS-Z35TKR/CU-Z35TKR5 Years4 Stars
3.5kW0.8kW4.45 Stars
4.3kW0.94kW4.6$998Webpage | BrochureHarvey Norman | Camberwell Electrics | Aus Appliances
7Small-MedFTXJ35TVMAK/RXJ35TVMA5 Years4 Stars
3.5kW0.81kW4.34.5 Stars
3.7kW0.81kW4.6 $1,480 Nonexistent ?Lawson Air
8Small-MedAvanti SRK35ZSA-W5 Years4 Stars
3.5kW0.82kW4.34.5 Stars
3.7kW0.81kW4.6 $1,182 Webpage | BrochureAir Cond Online
9Small-MedTWS37H3DVEM/TSO37H3DVEM-Platinum3D5 Years4 Stars
3.6kW0.83kW4.34 Stars
3.9kW0.89kW4.4$819Webpage | BrochureAirware Sales
10Small-MedRAS-13BKV-A1/RAS-13BAV-A15 Years4 Stars
3.6kW0.82kW4.44 Stars
4.2kW1kW4.2?Webpage | Brochure
11Small-MedMIS355 Years4 Stars
3.7kW0.85kW4.44 Stars
3.75kW0.87kW4.3 $1,150 Nonexistent ?Appliances Online
12Small-MedKSV35CRG (Cooling only)5 Years4 Stars
3.5kW0.82kW4.3kWkW$839Webpage | BrochureGood Guys | Harvey Norman
13MediumGWH18QE6 Years4.5 Stars
5.5kW1.13kW4.94 Stars
5.8kW1.34kW4.3?Webpage | BrochureWhere to Buy
14MediumKSHV52D1S5 Years4.5 Stars
5.2kW1.13kW4.64 Stars
5.8kW1.34kW4.3 $1,195 Nonexistent ? | BrochureJims Heat & Cool | Rite Price HC
15MediumAero Econavi CS-Z50TKR/CU-Z50TKR5 Years4 Stars
5kW1.13kW4.44.5 Stars
6kW1.31kW4.6 $1,288 Webpage | BrochureHarvey Norman | Powerland | Applinaces Online
16MediumCS-RZ18RKR5 Years4 Stars
5kW1.16kW4.34 Stars
6kW1.39kW4.3?Webpage | ?Choice Review
17MediumMSZ-GL50VGD/MUZ-GL50VGD5 Years4 Stars
4.8kW1.17kW4.13.5 Stars
5.8kW1.37kW4.2 $1,499 Nonexistent ?BingLee
18MediumFTXM50P / RXM50P5 Years4 Stars
5kW1.18kW4.24 Stars
6kW1.42kW4.2 $1,599 Nonexistent ? | BrochureFallon Solutions | Lawson Air

Table 3 – Most Energy Efficient SPLIT Air Conditioners – LARGE Systems ( 6-10kW range)

IDSystem SizeSupplier BrandModel Details Part no:WarrantyWinnerCool StarsCool OutCool InputCool EERHeat StarsHeat OutHeat InputHeat COPRetail $Online InformationSupplier Options
1BigASTG22KMCA5 Years3 Stars
6kW1.59kW3.83.5 Stars
7.2kW1.77kW4.1 $1,698 Webpage | ?2nds World | Harvey Norman
2BigFTXM60P5 Years 3 Stars
6kW1.55kW3.93.5 Stars
7kW1.72kW4.1 $1,790 Nonexistent ? |Fallon Solutions | Lawson Air
3BigMSZ-GL60VGD/MUZ-GL60VGD5 Years3 Stars
6kW1.59kW3.83.5 Stars
6.8kW1.67kW4.1 $1,284 Webpage | ReviewReview | AC Best Buy | 2nds World
4Large42QHF080 + 38QHF080?2.5 Stars
8kW2.35kW3.42.5 Stars
9kW2.5kW3.6?? | BrochureLawson Air
5LargeKSV80HRG5 Years2.5 Stars
8kW2.28kW3.52.5 Stars
9kW2.56kW3.5 $1,898 Webpage | ?The Good Guys
6LargeSRK80ZRA-W / SRC80ZRA-W5 Years 2.5 Stars
8kW2.22kW3.62.5 Stars
9kW2.4kW3.8 $2,199 ? | BrochureElec Discounter
7LargeGWH28QE-K6DNB2D5 Years2.5 Stars
8kW2.2kW3.62.5 Stars
9kW2.55kW3.5?Webpage | BrochureWhere to Buy
8LargeTWS81H3DVEM/TSO81H3DVEM5 Years2.5 Stars
8.2kW2.3kW3.62.5 Stars
8.3kW2.35kW3.5 $1,649 Webpage | ?eJOY
9LargeKSHV80D1S/KCHV80D1S5 Years2.5 Stars
8kW2.3kW3.52.5 Stars
9kW2.55kW3.5 $1,900 ? | BrochureRite Price | Jims Heat Cool
10Very LargeSRK95/DXK33ZRA-W5 Years 2.5 Stars
9.5kW2.56kW3.73 Stars
10.3kW2.64kW3.9 $3,195 Webpage | BrochureSplit Store
11Very LargeSRK95ZRA-W/SRC95ZRA-W5 Years 2.5 Stars
9.5kW2.56kW3.73 Stars
10.3kW2.64kW3.9 $2,895 Webpage | BrochureElec Discounter
12Very LargeKSHV90D1S/KCHV90D1S5 Years2.5 Stars
9.4kW2.67kW3.52.5 Stars
10.3kW3.05kW3.4 $2,700 Nonexistent ? |Jims Heat Cool | Rite Price

Split air conditioner mitsubishi

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