Your Household Carbon Footprint

Written by Karl Olsen.

The Australian Greenhouse Office indicates that the average Australian household  Carbon Footprint is made up of the following 10 components#:

  1. Travel for shopping & recreation (23%),
  2. Travel to work (11%)
  3. Waste (5%)
  4. Water heating (16%)
  5. Space heating & cooling (11%)
  6. Fridge/freezer (9%)
  7. Lighting (5%)
  8. Washing/drying clothes (2%)
  9. Cooking (3%)
  10. Other electrical appliances (15%)

Green Wire Consulting’s main objective is to focus on items 4 to 10 above, and provide you with practical energy efficient solutions to reduce your carbon footprint.
The average Australian household generates approx 14 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions. This carbon footprint is larger than the rest of the world!


# the above 10 components relate to householder direct & indirect ‘scope 1 & 2’ emissions only. They do not include ‘scope 3’ emissions which are activities that occur at places that are not controlled by the householder. For example, emissions not directly controlled by the householder are food production/travel, packaging production, airline flights, emissions of goods & services we buy.

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